The British Broadcasting Company, better known as the BBC, has been one of the most respected broadcast networks in the world for several decades. The channel is a publicly funded outlet of the British government. The context covers a wide spectrum of genres including everything from news to documentaries to original dramatic programming. They also occasionally air films not produced by the BBC.
Louis Theroux has been producing programming in the documentary genre for over a decade for the BBC. His films have garnered praise from all over the English speaking world. He is known for covering controversial topics in documentary form that causes other mainstream filmmakers to shy away. A few examples of the topics he has covered are The Westboro Baptist Church, the California porn industry, the Ultra-Zionists of Israel and gambling in Las Vegas.
Black Mirror is an anthology show in the style of the Twilight Zone that deals with modern technology in a near future science fiction way. It is one of the most highly acclaimed original programs in recent history for the BBC. The show is written and produced by Charlie Brooker. Charlie Brooker is a satirist that is well known in the UK for his highly popular Newswipe series that pokes fun at the news stories.