Watch TV Shows on Aniplex

Anime is one of the most well known genres of television and printed media. Anime is most popular in countries like Japan and South Korea, and continues to grow in popularity. It is estimated that tens of millions of people in Asia have watched at least one Anime related television program in the past month. Aniplex was the first TV station dedicated to Anime viewing. Based in the nation of Japan, Aniplex quickly found success as it hit the anime niche in ways that other television and media stations were not.

Aniplex has hundreds of television shows on its network, and was founded in 1995. In 2014, Aniplex earned over two billion dollars of revenue and is now one of the most successful television stations in Japan today. Because Aniplex was the first to cater towards the Anime crowd, they have enjoyed a tremendous amount of success as more and more people learn about Anime in general. Due to its high quality programming, few commercials, and a big brand name Aniplex looks to continue its success into the future.

Overall, Anime is a huge genre of television in Asia and in especially in Japan. Aniplex was the first television channel dedicated solely to Anime shows and media, and because of that they have reaped huge benefits being the first to tap into the Anime niche. Aniplex looks to continue its solid growth and profitability into the future by catering to its audience of Anime lovers.

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