Watch TV Shows on Anderson Digital

Anderson Digital is a digital media company that distributes content through a variety of platforms including television and the internet. Their media formats include: audio only, live concert video, television series, documentaries, and feature films.

Anderson Digital began as a small media company in Detroit Michigan in 1993 when entrepreneur and founder Blake Anderson decided that he wanted to provide high quality content to as many people as possible. He began with crude videos recorded at live concert events which he posted online. After he gained an immense following, larger networks such as NBC Detroit and even CBS wanted to carry licensed content on their channels.

Now the company, still led by Anderson himself, focuses on producing the content and providing it for larger companies to reach a global audience. The audio portions include songs and podcasts, the concerts include bands such as Greenday and Blink 182, the television series includes "King of Queens," and the feature film that has received the most acclaim recently is "300" which starred Gerard Butler and other movie stars. Anderson Digital is now an official partner of Netflix with its new documentary series aimed at exposing the corruption in Russia, Venezuela, and other countries across the world.

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    Anderson Digital