555 Productions is currently working out of Los Angeles, California in the United States. It currently primarily works with the Compact Discs business or the industry dealing with Wholesale Trade. Meaning that DVD's and CD's are something that is detrimental to their business. They've been in business for fourteen years and counting, getting their start in 2001 and still going strong to this day. Ian Cross is the President of 555 Productions, and takes great pride in the work that he does and the business that he runs.
555 Productions is a company that aims to help out the little guys in the best way that they know how -- by support and with money flow. Getting started in the film business is the farthest thing from easy, and they know that. The most important thing you can have that contributes to your power and the power of your project is either money, or connections -- both of which do not come easy. Low budget scripts that can work with a maximum micro budget of £10,000. They seek low budget investors as well, looking to put in £250 a point, or less.
The main goal of these projects is to educate the audience and show them a world that they didn't know existed. Not all movies can have millions of dollars to play around with when dealing with a budget, but they also know that shouldn't have to stop the creativity process that inspiring people have to deal with.