Success! 'Wonder Woman' Costume Changes After Fan Reaction

Success! 'Wonder Woman' Costume Changes After Fan Reaction Phew! That was close. A while back we saw promo photos of Adrianne Palicki in her Wonder Woman costume for the new NBC pilot, and boy was it a disaster. You can see it pictured at left: shiny, cheap-looking fabric, blue boots, no were in an uproar.

Luckily, sometimes when fans get in an uproar they end up getting their way. Two new set photos from the show have been released, and the new, improved Wonder Woman costume looks much, much better. See the new Wonder Woman costume below.

What's changed? The pants are darker and no longer made of shiny vinyl. that was the biggest complain of fans it seemed, as many said they made Wonder Woman look like a stripper. These pants look more like something someone would actually wear, and even have a bit of a denim look to them.

Stars have been added along the leg, which I'm not sure was really necessary but it will make Fox News happy, who complained that the costume "lacked patriotism."

Most importantly (for me, anyway) the boots have been changed back to red. Wonder Woman's boots are iconic, and the light blue numbers she had on before were just too much of a shift. They disappeared into the costume instead of popping.

I find these changes to be good ones: the costume looks less cheap and more based in reality, but not without giving up the eye-popping primary colors that tell us we're looking at a superhero.

What do you think? Is the new costume an improvement? Did anyone actually like the old one? Let us know in the comments!