'True Blood' Season 4, Episode 8 Recap - 'Spellbound'

'True Blood' Season 4, Episode 8 Recap - 'Spellbound' Okay so first things first, Jessica remains regular old undead. Jason Stackhouse bursts across the sunny mansion threshold like a quarterback Jesus and tackles her to safety. Still under Antonia’s spell, she almost eats him but then the witchcraft wears off and they make out instead.

Sookie and Eric are ridiculous some more. She offers to let him drink her super special fairy blood to speed his healing post-witch spell silvering.  He then earnestly returns the favor and she drinks him right back. They proceed to engage in super lovey-dovey V-trip Viking style snow-bonering.  Like they jointly hallucinate a bed covered in animal skins in the woods and do it while the sun shines on them and snow flurries romantically down.

I have to say I thought Eric was acting a little more strangely than usual throughout this episode and we get a big fat clue as to why in this scene.  A blissed out Eric turns to Sookie and says, “All is possible.” Which is exactly what Sheriff Luis said to Bill while under Antonia’s influence.

Night falls and all our main player vamps have made it through the resurrection, unscathed for now. The only Bon Temp casualty was Maxine Fortenberry’s neighbor, Beulah. King Bill hops right on it doing some smooth PR glamouring before calling up the Moon Goddess Emporium to reach out to Antonia. He offers the possibility of peaceful resolution and they arrange a midnight graveyard meet and greet.

Meanwhile, Tommy Mickens is still skinwalking around town. He impersonates Maxine in order to sell the natural gas rights of her land right out from under her.  He meets up with the gas man at Merlotte’s and Tommy as Maxine is hysterical, cussing up a storm, talking smack about Sam and drinking tequila and tall boys.  But the very best thing here is the hairdo. It’s subtle but Tommy’s Maxine hair is basically a giant lady version of his own pompadour. So precious! The devil really is in the details.

Jessica breaks up with Hoyt, first in her dreams and then in real life. The contrast between what she imagines Hoyt will do (cry like a baby and threaten suicide) and what he actually does (calls her a dead bitch and eternal virgin before kicking her out of the house) is really well played.  She runs right over to Jason’s and even though he kissed her back he still disinvites her from his house out of loyalty to Hoyt. This is gonna get real messy.

Finally it’s time for the Witch-Vamp cemetery meet up. Things go sideways pretty quickly when out of nowhere Eric rips out a lesser witch’s heart prompting Antonia to drop some fog on the whole show. So Eric’s eating everybody and both sides are running around blindly shooting into the dark.  Sookie catches some friendly fire and both Eric and Bill sense her distress. Antonia prevents Eric from getting to her and has him kneeling before her like a bloody, obedient puppy. I’m betting it was Antonia who sent Eric to the all you can eat Witch buffet in order to make sure this war is still on.

Speaking of good dogs, Alcide is the one who gets to Sookie. By helping her he is disobeying direct orders from his Alpha (who is also Luna’s babydaddy) not to mention breaking Debbie Pelt’s heart. I’m sure there will be consequences on both ends.

Next week, Sookie maybe totally dies! But probably not.