'The World According to Paris' Bombs, and Paris Blames the Network!

'The World According to Paris' Bombs, and Paris Blames the Network! If we were truly living in "according to Paris," we would know exactly whom to blame for the awful ratings for last week's premiere of Paris Hilton's reality show, "The World According to Paris." It's the network's fault!

We reported a few days ago that "The World According to Paris" premiered on Oxygen to just over 400,000 viewers, which wasn't even enough for it to place in the top 100 shows for the evening. Most people would assume that it's because nobody cares about Paris Hilton or Brooke Mueller, but Paris has other ideas: blame Oxygen.

According to Popeater, a source close to Paris says that the heiress "is furious the show didn't premiere at the time it was supposed to." The source added, "She worked her tail off doing promotion and publicity for the show and then because of a technical mistake, the show aired at a completely different time in a lot of markets."

That was news to Oxygen, who responded with a statement: The show premiered at 10 p.m. on Wednesday, June 1 as was promoted. There were no technical mistakes. We look forward to a very exciting run of the series."

Translation for those who don't speak corporate: "Shut the f*** up, Paris."

The blame most likely lies on the heiress' dwindling popularity, as it just hasn't been the same since the Kardashian Trinity hit the reality TV scene. Of course, you could also look at the rumor that Hilton cancelled a number of appearances after a rough interview on "The View," after which she reportedly threw a hissy fit backstage. You can watch that interview below.

"The World According to Paris," meanwhile, is in imminent danger of being pulled off the air before getting even halfway through the first season. You just can't keep a show going that gets less than half a million viewers.