Watch The Twisted Whiskers Show
- TV-G
- 2010
- 1 Season
6.6 (97)
The Twisted Whiskers Show is a children's animated television series that aired on The Hub from 2009 to 2010. The show follows the misadventures of a group of eccentric and lovable animals, each with their own distinct personality, as they navigate their way through life in a zany, cartoon world. The voice cast includes Lee Tockar, Kathleen Barr, Scott McNeil, David Kaye, Peter Kelamis, and Colin Murdock.
The characters are depicted as anthropomorphic animals, with each one possessing their own unique quirks and traits. There's Dine and Dash, a food-obsessed duo of a dog and a cat who are constantly on the hunt for their next meal. Yawp, a grumpy old bulldog who hates pretty much everything and everyone. Kit, a neurotic and anxiety-ridden kitten who is always getting into trouble. Goosers, a lovable but dim-witted goose who is easily distracted by shiny objects. And Twanky, a devious rat who is always scheming and looking for ways to cause chaos.
Despite their flaws and differences, the characters are friends who care about each other and often come together to help each other out of sticky situations. The plot of each episode typically revolves around one or more of the characters getting into some sort of trouble, whether it's Dine and Dash stealing food from a restaurant or Kit trying to overcome her fear of water. Along the way, the characters must come up with creative solutions to their problems, often leading to hilarious hijinks and mishaps.
The animation style of The Twisted Whiskers Show is bright and colorful, with exaggerated expressions and movements that add to the comedy of the series. The characters are rendered in a mix of 2D and 3D animation, with the backgrounds often featuring detailed and realistic textures. The show appeals to children and adults alike, with its quirky characters and wacky humor.
One of the standout aspects of the show is the voice acting, with each actor bringing a unique energy and personality to their respective characters. Lee Tockar, who voices several of the characters including Dine and Dash and Twanky, is particularly adept at bringing a frenetic energy to his performances. Kathleen Barr, who voices Kit and Goosers, provides a perfect balance of sweetness and goofiness to her characters. And Scott McNeil, who voices Yawp, brings a gruffness and comedic timing that makes his character stand out.
Overall, The Twisted Whiskers Show is a fun and entertaining animated series that is sure to delight viewers of all ages. With its colorful characters, zany humor, and heartwarming moments, it's no wonder that the show has become a beloved classic in the world of children's television.