'Skins' Creator Lashes Out at Critics

'Skins' Creator Lashes Out at CriticsSkins” creator Bryan Elsley has had enough of critics who have claimed the show’s lurid subject matter and occasional nudity makes it dangerous for children or even perhaps “child pornography.” Advertisers like Taco Bell, Wrigley and now Subway have all pulled ads to the show.

The show’s creator today released a lengthy diatribe lashing out at the show’s detractors, who, he says, must realize that sometimes the truth can “be a little painful to adults and parents."

Skins is a very simple and in fact rather old fashioned television series. It’s about the lives and loves of teenagers, how they get through high school, how they deal with their friends, and also how they circumnavigate some of the complications of sex, relationships, educations, parents, drugs and alcohol,” he said.

“The show is written from the perspective of teenagers, reflects their world view, and this has caused a degree of controversy both in the UK and the USA,” said Elsley.

“In the UK, viewers and commentators very quickly realized that although there are some sensational aspects to the show, Skins is actually a very serious attempt to get to the roots of young people’s lives. It deals with relationships, parents, death, illness, mental health issues, the consequences of drug use and sexual activity. It is just that these are characterized from the point of view of the many young people who write the show and has a very straightforward approach to their experiences; it tries to tell the truth,” Elsley said.

“Sometimes that truth can be a little painful to adults and parents.”

Yidio users seem pretty much evenly divided on “Skins.” A recent posting on the show brought a firestorm of criticism and discussion on the Yidio Facebook page.

Stephanie: “I have never seen anything so gross in my life. Why don’t they just rename the show “Hot Sexy Teen,” ‘cuz all the show is is a glorified porno. TAKE IT OFF THE AIR!!!!!”

Tara: “I think they should keep the show on the air. Everyone has a choice to live however they like, and just because a show reflects a view that you don't agree with it, doesn't mean it shouldn't exist. Interact with your teenagers and find out what they are up to or shut the f%^& up. Be glad that you have the option to change the channel.”

Dana: “I’m completely against this show and super pissed they showed an ad for it at NOON on Nick yesterday while my 6 year old daughter was watching Nick, as in the Spongebob station, at 12 in the afternoon, when young children watch Nick, ‘cuz it’s geared towards young kids until 8 pm......Skins should be canceled and banned.”

Danielle: “How about people stop blaming the TV for how kids act and put the blame on the kids. Kids will do what they want no matter what. Parents can only control so much. What is wrong with teens being gay?? If my teen daughter is gay, I don't have to worry about her getting pregnant. No difference between a teen girl kissing a guy so why do we make a big deal about two girls kissing?"

Is Elsley right or just making excuses? Read the entire statement from MTV here.