Why Buy the Milk, Kris Humphries? Kim Kardashian is a Cash Cow!

Why Buy the Milk, Kris Humphries? Kim Kardashian is a Cash Cow! If the Kardashian clan must throw down for Kim’s wedding to Kris Humphries, you can imagine the family that is famous (read: rich) for simply being famous will find a return on their investment.

While some reports erroneously put the cost of the wedding at a whopping $30 million (Huffington Post), other sources like People say the wedding may cost up to (a more reasonable) $500,000. And that’s in real people spending.

Keep in mind, though, that the Kardashians don’t spend money without making it at the same time.

People was first to pad Kim’s wedding dowry with a $300,000 deal to deliver the couple’s engagement news.

OK! magazine chipped in $100,000 to cover the bridal shower.

Rounding things out with a $1.5 million is People, again, for rights to the ceremony pictures.

With E! planning to air the nuptials in a two part wedding special, an additional payday for the family, Kim has to be coming away from the entire festivities net positive at a cool couple million at least.

Toss on the additional cache of all the outlandish media attention, and how it will likely affect sales of all the Kardashian branded products on the market (including a brand new Sears clothing line for Kim), and it's safe to say Kim's big night will pocket the happy couple plenty of warm and fuzzy currency for their honeymoon and (way) beyond.

We say cheers to the financially savvy party and their lucky guests, who we strongly encourage to visit the open bar (frequently) on our behalf.

Want to know more about the ridiculous Kardashian wedding? Check out our Kim Kardashian Wedding Primer. Let the insanity begin!