Holy Superhero Rumors, Batman! Will There Be a 'Justice League' Movie in 2013?

Holy Superhero Rumors, Batman! Will There Be a 'Justice League' Movie in 2013? With "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2" soon to hit theaters and end the HP franchise, Warner Bros. is going to have to find a new cash cow to lean on.

In a recent piece on new WB president Jeff Robinov, The LA Times has a theory on which direction WB will go: the direction of DC superheroes.

The article states that Robinov is "aiming to release new 'Batman' and 'Superman' films in 2012 and 'Justice League,' a teaming of DC's top heroes, in 2013."

The mentions of the Batman and Superman films are no surprise: we've been reporting on "The Dark Knight Rises" and the tentatively-titled "Superman: Man of Steel" for some time now. But that last bit about a "Justice League" movie in 2013? That's a shocker.

A live-action "Justice League" movie has been talked about for a while now, but has always failed to see the light of day. This mention is a promising rumor, but honestly how could WB get a Justice League movie together in just two years? Only three of the characters (Batman, Superman, and soon Green Lantern) have been introduced to the moviegoing public. If a "Justice League" movie were to happen, wouldn't we need movies starring at least Wonder Woman and Flash, if not Aquaman and Hawkman?

After "Entourage" mocked the idea of an "Aquaman" movie, I doubt that will be made anytime soon.

It would make sense for DC to aim for a "Justice League" movie, what with Marvel gearing up for their "The Avengers" film in the next couple of years. But Marvel has a huge head start, and will have introduced all of the major players in their own solo films. Will DC ever catch up?