Betty White Rules: Actress Officially America's Favorite, Most Trusted Celebrity

Betty White Rules: Actress Officially America's Favorite, Most Trusted Celebrity Who does America trust more than anyone else in the world? Wilford Brimley? Dan Rather? The ghost of Ronald Reagan?

Nope, it's Betty White.

The "Golden Girl" with a brand new NBC show called "Off Their Rockers" on the way has apparently has won over the hearts and minds of Americans young and old, garnering an 86% favorable rating from participants in a recent Ipsos poll of over 2,000 adults.

The study indicates that White is America's favorite celebrity and the most trusted name in show business.

Tom Hanks, Harrison Ford, Morgan Freeman, Kate Middleton, Oprah Winfrey, Taylor Swift, Clint Eastwood, Harrison Ford, Denzel Washington and Julia Roberts round up the top ten most trusted names.

Denzel Washington, Sandra Bullock, Clint Eastwood, Tom Hanks, Harrison Ford, Morgan Freeman, Kate Middleton, Will Smith and Johnny Depp round out the list of the top ten most favorite celebrities.

Politicians were deliberately (and mercifully) excluded from the list.

Paris Hilton represents the polar opposite end of the spectrum, drawing the least favorable results from the 100 celebrities mentioned.

In sheer volume of haters, Hilton beat out crack-user Charlie Sheen, love-child-havin' philanderer Arnold Schwarzenegger and out-and-out racist and anti-semite Mel Gibson as the celebrity with the lowest approval scores (ouch). "The King" with no championships - LeBron James - rounded out that list, alongside Tiger Woods, Britney Spears, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West (in no particular order).

See charts showing the Ipsos poll results below.