This Is the #1 Worst Movie of All Time, According to IMDB

Ladies and gentlemen, we are proud to announce that we have a new champion. The "worst movie of all time" is decided!

IMDb has a running list of the 100 worst movies of all time, as voted by users of the movie info site. A quick scroll through the list will reveal some familiar titles: "Gigli" is on there at #67, Mariah Carey's "Glitter" nabbed the #27 spot, and the terrible parody flick "Disaster Movie" is sitting pretty at #6.

But there's a brand-new, just-released movie that has taken the list by storm, and is currently ruling them all at the #1 spot.

The worst movie of all time is "Kirk Cameron's Saving Christmas."

That might seem unfair, considering the movie is going up against the likes of "Manos: The Hands of Fate," which is so bad that it made for one of the best episodes of "Mystery Science Theater 3000" ever. But the truth behind the ranking is this: Kirk Cameron brought it on himself.

A while back, Cameron took to Facebook to request that his fans go on Rotten Tomatoes and give his movie a positive audience review, helping to push the rating up and game the system. For a while it worked, at the numbers were as high as 80% positive.

Soon, though, the rest of the Internet caught on and went on Rotten Tomatoes to even the score. Right now, the tally stands at 34%. In terms of reviews from professional critics, "Saving Christmas" has a 0% rating...out of 12 reviews, none of them were positive.

So Merry Christmas, Kirk Cameron. Consider this your lump of coal.