Snooki: The Situation Has Spent His 'Jersey Shore' Money

Snooki: The Situation Has Spent His 'Jersey Shore' Money There are some things the "Jersey Shore" cast would probably rather Snooki not tell the world.

Oh, well. The cat's out of Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino's bag now: if MTV's resident best-selling author is to be believed, the shredded-up East Coast Italian has spent what he's made.

"I save (the 'Jersey Shore' salary). 'Jersey Shore' is going to end soon. I'm not going to spend money like Mike!" Snooki told GQ recently.

That being said, consider the disparity: last year, The Situation reportedly made a cool $2.5 million from his many ventures. In 2010, the $5 million he made put him second behind only Kim Kardashian on the list of most-profitable reality TV personalities.

On the other hand, between her MTV salary and selling her semi-autobiographical "A Shore Thing" novel, Snooki pulled in around $750,000. Her non-fiction "Confessions Of A Guidette" just hit shelves Oct. 25.

The Situation's last jobs before joining the "Jersey Shore" cast included assistant-managing a a Staten Island gym and doing some underwear modeling. Believe it or not, Snooki went to college to become a veterinary technician.

The Situation's own book reportedly only sold 12,000 copies, but he's instead made his money through endorsements (including Devotion vodka, Reebok Zigtech sneakers, a GNC vitamin line, a workout DVD and others) and appearances that have included "Dancing with the Stars" as well as "Jersey Shore" and a reported series-development deal with MTV.

Consider also that while Snooki grabbed headlines by appearing at this past April's Wrestlemania 27, Abercrombie & Fitch in what I think is rarity (if not a first) actually offered The Situation money not to wear their clothes because they felt that having their brand associated with him or the show would be quite damaging.

Interestingly, again, then there's Snooki - apparently, a card-carrying conservative: in 2008, she voted for John McCain instead of MTV-favorite Barack Obama. She also joined up with Bristol Palin to co-promote the Candies' clothing line's pro-sexual responsibility "Pause Before You Play" campaign.

Despite all that, activism and education aren't probably words she probably often hears associated with her name. Frankly, she blames "Jersey Shore" editing.

"I wouldn't show as much drinking and partying. I would show more of us chilling out and having a good time -- which they don't show," she says. "We don't even drink those nights, but we laugh all night. They don't show anything but us drinking and hooking up."

Still, she gets it: it's strictly business. She still believes the show isn't long for this world even though the third season just wrapped shooting and it's signed up for five total seasons. In the meantime, she believes MTV could still do the cast's collective image some favors in the remaining run.

"Maybe because of the success of the show, they think that if they don't show us drinking and hooking up then it wouldn't stay successful," Snooki suggests. "But I think that if they showed the sober side of us people would like it even more, and it'd even change people's minds about us."

Maybe it's true what the old saying says: to paraphrase, what you do speaks so loudly, I cannot hear what you say.