Snooki-JWoww Spin-Off May Face Political Battle

Snooki-JWoww Spin-Off May Face Political Battle There's a pattern that often emerges surrounding the "Jersey Shore" cast that MTV programming executives either haven't yet acknowledged, or have but did so without giving a spray-tanned s***.

Sure, the show's been water-cooler fodder since its debut under many colorful circumstances - and by colorful, we're not talking the latest shade of orange these mildly retarded Oompa Loompas apparently dye themselves between seasons.

Sure, there's that infamous moment during the first season when we learned that Snooki really can't take a right hook. Sure, there's that one producer that came forward and told a court "Say, 'Jersey Shore' looks an awful lot like a show I pitched over a year ago, but strangely have never been paid for. What do you suppose we should do about this?" But more importantly and frequently, the denizens inhabiting the show's several locales have pretty much disowned it - complete with Seaside Heights officials previously making it publicly known that they neither endorse nor assist with filming.

Nevertheless, MTV keeps being like the deadbeat mother who plants her ill-behaved kids on unsuspecting aunts and uncles' doorsteps, then drives off to the casino for the night before anyone can chase her down and plant the noisy crumb-snatchers once more in the backseat. Don't want 'em? Too bad, here they are.

It now looks like the planned spin-off starring "guidette" Wonder Twins Snooki and JWoww - ironically, the two non-Italian cast members - faces the same fight all over again, reports E! Online. Hoboken, NJ Mayor Dawn Zimmer has told stamped MTV's shooting permit request essentially "Not just no, HELL no."

E! News obtained the letter Zimmer recently sent MTV, which states "After careful deliberation, the members of the film commission, including representatives from Health and Human Services, Environmental Services, and the Administration, with in put from our public safety officials, have determined that in the interest of public safety and quality of life, the permit application for 495 Productions/MTV's production of the 'Jersey Shore' spin-off has been denied."

"Health and Human Services?" Oh, that's wonderful. Someone is finally concluding, based on extended observation that probably made researchers feel brain cells die, that the prolonged production of this leaving, breathing toxic cloud of spray-tanner and Axe Body Spray fumes is a detriment to public wellness and "quality of life." Bureaucracy finally catches up.

Apparently, this also marked 495 Productions/MTV getting caught with hands in cookie jars, too.

"We were extremely surprised to learn during our meeting with you that you filmed in public areas without a required permit in one location," Zimmer added. "as the mayor of a community that has experienced significant corruption in the recent past, I write to put you, 495 Productions, MTV and Viacom on formal notice that there will be zero tolerance for this kind of approach in the City of Hoboken. Any attempts to film in a manner that is not permitted without a permit will be dealt with immediately and aggressively by the City of Hoboken."

But then came this glorious smackdown's single most glorious moment, in which "Jersey Shore" is described in ways far better than every other description that's ever appropriately included the words "retarded," "ape," "bimbo," "decline of Western Civilization" or the commonly occurring "so stupid, it made my brain bleed and now I don't know math": ladies and gentlemen, by the power vested in Mayor Zimmer by the citizens of Hoboken, "Jersey Shore" is officially "an attractive nuisance causing crowds to assemble at every hour of the day and night, additional traffic congestion, the attendant noise associated with large public gatherings and unacceptable lessening of the quality of life for the local residents and businesses."

Once more, ladies and gentlemen, "'Jersey Shore' - it makes life suck more."

To recap, Gov. Chris Christie this past September denied the show a $420,000 tax credit, saying he was "duty-bound" to taxpayers not to encourage "a project which does nothing more than perpetuate misconceptions about the state and its citizens."

"an attractive nuisance causing crowds to assemble at every hour of the day and night, additional traffic congestion, the attendant noise associated with large public gatherings and unacceptable lessening of the quality of life for the local residents and businesses."