Report: Kim Kardashian Already Filing for Divorce

Report: Kim Kardashian Already Filing for Divorce Good thing Kim Kardashian had three different wedding dresses. At this rate, they may come in handy.

Ryan Seacrest, whose production company handles duties for all of the various and sundry Kardashian-related properties, Tweeted a real bombshell today:

"Yes @kimkardashian is filing for divorce this morning. I touched base with her, getting a statement in just a few mins"

The marriage officially lasted all of 72 days, which is officially less time than it took her to pick out a caterer.

We're still awaiting an official statement from Kim Kardashian, but a source close to her said to People minutes ago that "she wanted the fairy tale and she got caught up in it all. She felt like the pressure of the TV show just isn't what they could have handled."

TMZ is reporting that she has in fact filed the papers, citing the vague "irreconcilable differences."

The announcement comes shortly after a series of reports and rumors regarding very early troubles with the couple after their obscenely extravagant wedding.

Kardashian had also recently complained about how the couple's post-marriage living situation was "less than ideal."

"Just imagine we were in this three-bedroom suite with my sister, her boyfriend, the baby, and every morning the baby is playing outside our door and wakes us up early," Kardashian said at the time.

Shocked at how quickly the marriage ended? Just be glad you didn't buy her an $840 ash tray.

Feel bad for Kim for making such a mistake? Just remember that not only did she have a prenup, but between the photos sold to magazines, the money made from the four-hour E! special and the branding value added by the wedding (and now divorce) drama, this whole fiasco has ultimately has netted her millions.

Relive some of the very recent, very brief glory years days of Kim and Kris here.

What do you think caused the breakup between Kim and Kris? Do you think this was a legitimate union, or a sham wedding held to garner big bucks and major publicity for the show and Kardashian brand? Or maybe this is, in fact, a sham divorce?

Let us know what you think in the comments...

Watch ABC News try to explain why anyone cared about this wedding in the first place, and be sure and check out the aptly named "Kim's Fairytale" episode of "Keeping Up with The Kardashians" below: