'New Girl' Recap: Season 5, Episode 21: 'Wedding Eve'
by Shannon Keirnan
It's the night before the wedding, and the loft has just hosted a successful pre-wedding dinner!
Jess is sitting with CeCe, trying to calm any jitters she may have, but CeCe is in a good place. She laughs about one day doing this for Jess, who notes that Sam is objectively the most marriage-friendly guy she has dated. And super tall! She pulls up his jacket to show CeCe how big it is on her, and a ring box falls out of the pocket.
Winston tells Aly she'll make a beautiful bride one day, and she awkwardly flees. Meanwhile Schmidt has lost the flash drive his vows are on. Winston realizes he stepped on the flash drive and broke it. Nick offers to step in and write new vows.
CeCe and Jess are thrown by the ring box, especially when Sam asks Jess if he can talk to her. She panics as he is stuttering through a speech and putting his jacket on, and frantically suggests they all play True American. Coach show up in time to play, and after talking to Winston, tells him not to toywith Aly and to go ask her why she left.
Sam and Jess end up behind the Iron Curtain, and as Jess blurts out she can't marry Sam, Sam is blurting out that they need to break up. Sam is in love with Diane after all. Jess hopes she will like the ring, and Sam is confused. He finds the ring, which is engraved. It's actually from Schmidt's mom to her long-time girlfriend.
Schmidt, drunk as anything, can't write his vows, but when he says he would do anything to make CeCe happy, that, Nick points out, is where he begins.
Winston goes to Aly's to try to discuss what he meant when he scared her by saying "bride," but what really happened was Aly has food poisoning and ducked out abruptly so no one would see her vulnerable. She tells Winston she loves him, and he loves her back.
Jess brings Sam to the elevator and he asks her why she couldn't marry him. She's not sure, but he thinks he knows - Nick.
Schmidt's mom and her girlfriend, after being dragged into the open, are engaged! Schmidt finally accepts Susan as his "mom." CeCe, however, goes away to cry. He gets two moms at their wedding and she won't even have her mom.
Late at night, Schmidt packs a bag and leaves.