'New Girl' Recap: Season 5, Episode 18: 'A Chill Day In'
by Shannon Keirnan
It's CeCe's turn to celebrate her last single moments. Jess has a chill night in planned... plus, as a bonus, a bong and some weed she scored from Nadia. The two get stoned and watch "Anne of Green Gables."
A package arrives - it's a breadmaker from Schmidt's mom, with a passive aggressive note about how even CeCe can use it. CeCe is offended Louise thinks she can't take care of her man. Furious, Jess and CeCe destroy the breadmaker.
CeCe gets a call from Schmidt, who gets email alerts about packages and he tells her excitedly to bring the breadmaker inside. Still stoned, Jess and CeCe go to the store to try to exchange the damaged item, which doesn't fly. They find out it's $1,200 to buy another. While trying to figure out how they would pay for that, they run into Aly and Trip.
It's Aly's fifth-year anniversary of being a cop and Trip is supposed to make her dinner, but he's busy taking work calls instead of getting the items they need. Aly is displeased and she and Trip are arguing.
Turns out they can't buy another breadmaker because the store is out of stock. There's only a floor model, which they won't sell. CeCe is heartbroken she ruined the first thing she and Schmidt owned together, and she has to replace it. Making only about as much noise as possible, they swap their damaged machine for the floor model.
Aly and Trip fight, and Aly, upset, invites herself to hang out with the girls. They're almost home free when the store worker catches them and they all end up in "mall jail." Aly is frantic - they need to get out before the real cops come. She also is fully aware the girls are stoned. She wants ideas on how to escape, but CeCe is caught up in self pity.
Jess reminds her that CeCe takes care of her all the time, like a fierce mama bear, and she'll make a great wife and be able to take care of Schmidt. Aly is touched by their friendship and wants someone in her life that cares about her. Jess is dying to tell her about Winston but CeCe stops her.
The mall cop, on a power trip, hears Jess say she is stoned and threatens her with real trouble. CeCe gets in between them and defends Jess, and then begins throwing things from the lost and found at him. In the chaos they escape "jail" and lock him in the room. As they're fleeing, the three handcuffed together, Jess blurts out to Aly that Winston has a crush on her.
At the loft, Aly wants more information, and Jess finds out Aly and Trip didn't break up, and are just having a fight. She's sure it will be fine.... which is Winston's cue to burst in, followed by the bloodied and bruised boys. They begin to sing as Winston tells Aly he likes her, and asks if he can take her on a date when she is ready. She stops him and tells him she and Trip are together.
He handles it well, and is very kind about it. He also tells her happy "copiversary." Aly is so touched he remembered, she kisses him.
A bunch of Russians break in, and everyone is kidnapped (seriously). In the back of a truck, they find Nadia, who throws a drunken stripper dance party for them.