'New Girl' Recap: Season 5, Episode 15: 'Jeff Day'
by Shannon Keirnan
Winston, trying to get over Aly, has been on a serious dating streak. The one he likes most is Ronda, who everyone gets to meet when she runs into the bar with a fake knife wound screaming for aid.
She seems great.
Jess is disgruntled when she goes car shopping and gets treated like an idiot female by the salesman. CeCe suggests she set up an email under a man's name and conduct the business through there.
Jess is still dating Sam, but things are continually turning into a "turf war" between Sam and Nick whenever he is over. Jess suggests they get it all out on the table so they can move past it. They refuse.
CeCe and Schmidt get lunch with Ronda and Winston in an attempt to get to know the prankstress, since Winston has already invited her to their wedding. They don't care for her, especially when she salts the bottle of wine. Her pranks are terrible, and they finally admit to Winston they hate her and don't want her at the wedding. Schmidt revokes his plus-one.
Jess' dealings online go well and she just needs to go sign the paperwork to get the car. Sam is in surgery, so she asks Nick to go with her and pretend to be Jeff Day. He thinks it's a sign she needs him more than Sam. He puts on a mustache and goes in as Jeff Day. However he gets caught up in the character and begins to fall for the bait-and-switch sales manuever. Jess pulls him aside and reminds him she wants the car she chose. It's going badly overall. Nick has gone rogue.
Sam calls, out of surgery early, and Jess explains what's going on. He's hurt she took Nick and not her. He decides to come down there against her wishes.
CeCe and Schmidt apologize to Winston, but he says he does want his date to their wedding to be special. Someone like... his wife. Apparently he and Ronda pulled the ultimate prank and hastily wed. CeCe and Schmidt are horrified. They're proud of their prank, but say they're getting it annulled tomorrow. Neither one seems to understand how a prank works.
As Nick is testing an RV, Sam shows up also as Jeff Day... Jess says it's her brother. Things get tense between Nick and Sam and the salesman accuses her of bringing her lady drama into his dealership. Angry, she test drives her car, and gives them the scariest ride of their lives. She demands the salesman give her all the deals she wants, and, scared for his life, he agrees. She also demands Nick and Sam talk to each other and get it figured out. They refuse again, so she says she'll settle for them pretending to be friends when she's in the room. They agree to those terms. Jess makes a fool of the salesman, gets her dream car, and gets a shaky truce established between her guys. She feels pretty powerful.
Winston goes to get his marriage annulled but finds out Ronda, who is in the Reserve, was called in for duty. For now they're staying married.