London Retailer Sells Chris Brown CDs With 'This Man Beats Women' Label

London Retailer Sells Chris Brown CDs With 'This Man Beats Women' Label What's that? You wouldn't believe someone slapped a Chris Brown album with a domestic violence warning label without actual proof?

OK, then.

Gawker reported Friday via Digital Spy that London retailer HVM - or some hard-at-work opponents of beating women....perhaps both - have taken their opposition to the Grammy and MTV Video Music Award nominee continuing to have a music career down a more direct path. Copies of Brown's fifth album, Fortune, have been slapped with a yellow label reading "WARNING! Do not buy this album! This man beats women."

In some perfect world Brown would wish into his existence, he's notorious for his R&B song stylings and slick dance moves. In the one actual human beings inhabit, he's famous for pounding then-girlfriend Rihanna's face into hamburger while driving in a despicable exhibition of multitasking the night before the 2009 Grammy Awards.

He's equally infamous for, ever since then, expecting anybody to agree with him that he's somehow been a role model since then and acting like he's entitled to public adoration for serving five years' probation, completing mandatory community service and undergoing court-ordered counseling. Earlier this week, Brown reportedly visited with domestic abuse victims at a Los Angeles charity event.

It's unclear whether HMV staff made an effort to remove the stickers, or just figured, "Well, he did."