Jon Gosselin Relieved At 'Kate Plus 8' Cancellation

Jon Gosselin Relieved At 'Kate Plus 8' Cancellation The ink on the "Kate Plus 8" death certificate has barely dried, but Jon Gosselin didn't waste a moment deciding to Dougie on the one-time TLC juggernaut's grave.

Oh yes, Flash animators. That's as open an invitation for the mother of all .GIFs as you'll ever find.

Yidio reported last week that the show was conspicuously absent from TLC's Fall 2011 schedule. It's now official that the show has been well and truly axed. Jon is relieved to have his children freed from the microscope.

"I hope they can have more private family moments. I hope that this will bring more privacy to my children and that they can get the proper attention they need for any personal issues they might have in the future," Jon commented.

"Contracts have to end at some point. I think everything had run its course and it was time to come to an end anyways. I have no clue what (ex-wife Kate Gosselin's) next move is. I hope she dedicates more time to the kids now and I wish her the best as she goes forward with whatever career she wants to pursue."

Recent signs pointed to the show being ready to be taken behind the wood shed soon, anyway.

After Jon and Kate Gosselin's September 2009 separation, TLC went into damage-control mode to keep its money-spitting ATM on life support by re-branding it "Kate Plus 8."

Unfortunately, Jon wasn't having it. His lawyers ordered TLC to cease and desist production and keep crews away from the pair's Pennsylvania home in October that year. The network aired the last episodes under the "Jon & Kate Plus 8" name in November 2009, then debuted the revamped "Kate Plus 8" in June 2010 and its second season in November 2010. Ratings have sunk noticably since the pair separated.

All's well that ends well.