'Guy With Kids' Season 1, Episode 6: 'Apartment Halloween' Recap

'Guy With Kids'  Season 1, Episode 6: 'Apartment Halloween' Recap The gang is enjoying decorating the hallway for Halloween, except Chris, who is irritated by the bickering between Nick and Sheila. They get news that the head of the co-op board is dead—Gary and Marny’s neighbor, Miss Crane.

Gary goes home to tell Marny. They mourn for a moment—and then are ecstatic. Now they can buy her place and expand.

When the gang returns to the hallway, they find that all their stuff has been taken down. There is a note from the new head of the co-op, Linda, who says the décor is in violation of co-op rules.

Marny and Gary go to check out the Crane apartment, and find out that the apartment must be on the market for at least a week before anyone in the building can take it. More co-op rules.

Nick, Sheila, and Chris go to suck up to Sheila for their decorations, and Sheila’s custom doorbell. But Linda only has eyes for Chris, and insists that the decorations are a fire hazard.

At home, Nick makes Emily tell Violet they can’t do the haunted hallway. Nick panics when she gets upset and tells her they’ll do it, after all. Meanwhile creepy Linda has given Chris an extra storage unit—just because.

Nick goes to see Sheila about their common enemy—and they have something that she wants: Chris.

Gary and Marny meet the people looking at the apartment, bringing their kids along and making them  play terrible instruments. They explain the previous owner stayed until she died there—when they look alarmed, they embellish, and tell them Miss Crane “Kind of… exploded.” This works very well, so they begin telling horror stories to people looking at the place, and even make the boys wear suits and chant creepily in the corner.

Sheila and Nick invite Chris out to meet them—they are now friends. Why? Because now they can ask something of him. Linda shows up—since Nick and Sheila told her Chris wanted to get to know her better. Chris goes along with it, but gets his revenge by making Nick and Sheila act buddy-buddy and hug.

Linda invites him back to her place—there’s something she’d like to give him. Shelia and Nick hug aggressively, forcing him to agree.

Marny and Gary get the good news--they get the apartment— however, now the boys won’t live there, since Marny and Gary have scared them off the place.

Everyone is happy to get the haunted hallway back, and resume decorating.

Back at Linda’s, Chris is surprised by what Linda has “given” him—disco clothes. She makes him sit in her chair, and tells him he looks exactly like her father who left and never came back.

Chris leaves, strangely enough, and, furious, Linda tells everyone to take down the hallway. Emily tries to take on Linda, and tells her that she will run against her for the co-op position. Sheila says she will as well, and they scare her off.

Chris calls the deal with Nick and Sheila off—it creeps him out to see them getting along.

Marny and Gary bring the boys to see the apartment, trying to convince them that it’s not haunted. However, when the lights flicker and go out, they’re not that interested in the apartment any more.