A Drug Called Charlie Sheen: The Meltdown Medley

A Drug Called Charlie Sheen: The Meltdown Medley All week long people have been asking us “so what’s going on with Charlie Sheen?”

Our first reaction is “Jesus, that guy - got an hour?” followed closely by “give me a sec, let me check online.”

From the legendary tennis-ball-sized coke rock and porn party to the latest series of interviews, where he explained his new Hugh Hefner-esque “Goddess” system, keeping up with Sheen's rapid-fire meltdown could be someone’s full-time job. Hell it sort of is our full-time job, and sometimes even we can't keep up.

Sheen has been amping up the insanity to heights we’ve maybe never seen before from any celebrity, and he’s doing so on show after increasingly high profile show. He's turned into some sort of junkie-lookin' Phineas Gage - a man with no filter for his intensely emotional inner monologue.

It’s been bad enough that a few minutes after an interview he did for TMZ, Sheen’s longtime publicist Stan Rosenfield resigned.

So far, this whole thing has been like sitting on the shoulder of an icy highway in a lawn chair, watching car after car slide into each other. Sheen is clearly an unfolding disaster, but we simply can’t look away.

In the interest of saving you (and us) a whole lot of time, below we’ve included a “Charlie Sheen: The Latest and Greatest” medley of bat$%it crazy interview segments from the last few days.

Sheen on ABC News discussing his “Goddesses”:

"Tiger's Blood" and "Adonis DNA" on "The Today Show"

Sheen on Piers Morgan: "On a Rocketship to the Moon"

Sheen on TMZ: "Sorry my life's so much more bitchin' than yours."