'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' Recap: Season 3, Episode 23: 'Greg and Larry'
by Shannon Keirnan
Jake rounds up the troops to go and rescue Holt. Gina has his Find my Phone password and tells everyone Holt is still in the hospital somewhere. Charles and Amy leave the prison and book flights back to New York to assist.
Jake follows trails of chocolate smears left from Holt's candy bar around the hospital. He gets a pocket text from Holt which is gibberish, but finally realize Holt is trying to tell them he's on the roof.
They find him, with Bob holding him at gunpoint. It's a stand-off, until Terry appears from behind and takes Bob down.
However, not before informing them he has already called for backup from Figgis. Bob tells them Figgis has people in the NYPD and FBI, so calling for backup for themselves is useless. They dress up like doctors and nurses, cover Bob up, and wheel him out of the hospital. It seems to be going well, but then one of Figgis' men spots them, and Jake and Terry are on the run. They manage to knock him out, but Figgis' men are all over, and Terry and Jake aren't sure how to escape.
Amy is having a hard time keeping it together on her flight home, so worried about the squad she can't focus or control her emotions. Charles tries to distract her with movies, which doesn't work, so he decides to just let her talk it out.
Terry and Jake are being chased, but manage to hand off Bob to Holt, who, with both Bob and Gina in straight jackets, gets the two out (Bob's cries that he is an FBI agent held hostage are drowned out by Gina's insistence that she is Serena Williams). Terry and Jake escape by throwing the man they caught at the other men, who think it is Bob and are distracted.
They all go to Rosa's super-secret apartment (which is decorated with surprisingly good taste), and demand Bob give them the file on Figgis. They offer him witness protection, but nothing seems to rattle Bob. They take turns trying to crack him. It doesn't work, and suddenly the power goes out. Figgis has found them. Bob is smug... until the laser trains on him. Jake saves him just before he is shot.
He agrees to talk after they move everyone into Rosa's panic room and realize there's not enough space for all of them. Jake and Rosa decide to stay out and find a way to survive.
After a little while, there's a knock at the panic room door, and Rosa frees them. They've tricked Bob into giving up where the file is. Charles and Amy were the ones who were "shooting" at them, Charles using a laser pointer and Rosa using a slingshot to make it seem like they were being attacked. Jake has the file, and now they can take down both Bob and Figgis.
Over 75 of Figgis' men are taken down, effectively ending his operation. Figgis has not yet been found. Holt toasts them all at the bar, telling them he was never afraid when Bob took him hostage, because he knew they would save him.
Amy tells Jake she and Charles really cracked into some emotions, and she suggests that they move in together. Jake is on board. Things are going extremely well between them. Until he gets a call from Jimmy Figgis, who informs him that he's going to kill Jake and Holt.
One month later, Jake and Holt are now Greg and Larry, with homes in Florida. They've entered the Witness Protection Program.