'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' Recap: Season 3, Episode 22: 'Bureau'
by Shannon Keirnan
To help with the Pimento case, Holt has called in help from an old partner Bob Anderson. He gets briefed on the agent and the case, and thinks he might know who the man with the scar on his hand is - Ryan Weland.
Amy goes in for her "appointment" with Charles and says things with Maura are going well but she can't get any information on Maura's past. Charles tells her that he and Genevieve are going to be adopting, and she hugs him. Unfortunately Maura walks past and sees this.
Terry tells Gina they have a problem. Numbers from the nine-nine's monthly crime rate were in the paper. However they weren't supposed to be released until next week. The nine-nine has a leak. He investigates everything trying to figure out where it's coming from, and finally blames Gina. She's hurt, and fires back by finding the leak - Terry himself, who accidentally posted a photo with the crime stats in the background on his Twitter page.
Jake arranges to run into the agent Weland, and recognizes the scar on his hand. They have found their FBI agent. They follow him, and Anderson tries to look up his information but finds both Weland and Figgis' files have been wiped. There are hard copies, but if Anderson asks for them he might alert Weland. Jake suggests they break into the FBI archives, and, surprisingly, straight-laced Anderson agrees with this plan.
Maura asks Amy about the "doctor" Charles and Amy says he was just comforting her. Maura wants to meet with him. Charles is in a panic, unsure of her intentions. Maura comes in and tries to seduce him, attracted to him for being a different kind of man than she is used to being with.
Rosa, Holt, Anderson, and Jake execute a heist and manage to break into the FBI archives and get the files they need. They go to arrest Weland but find he is dead in his apartment.
Amy wants Charles to try to get information from Maura, so he does his best to be sexy. Genevieve calls however and Maura, who is attracted to Charles for being "sensitive" and not scummy, gets jealous and demands he put her on speaker. Charles finds out his adoption papers went through and he's going to be a father. Maura is furious.
Weland is not yet dead after all! He's expected to wake up from his coma soon and then he can testify against Figgis. Everyone celebrates in the hospital.
Maura confides in Amy about her terrible past with men, and Amy calls Jake to tell him what she's learned... about dirty agents Ryan Weland and Bob Anderson.
Jake frantically calls Holt, but Anderson has him at gunpoint, and he has finished killing Weland. It's Holt's turn to die.