'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' Recap: Season 3, Episode 19: 'Terry Kitties'
by Shannon Keirnan
Terry gets a kitten in a box. It's a reminder from when he first became Detective - everyone on his squad hassled him about solving a case, so he picked the biggest one he could. It was a string of B & E's by someone who broke into high-rise windows. Terry was sure he had solved it by finding Dimitri, who was a retired acrobat, but when he broke in to arrest him found that Dimitri had severed his spine in an accident and was in a wheelchair. Upset and flustered, Terry saw that Dimitri had a cat and blamed the robberies on the cat.
Since they, his old squad sends him kittens periodically to remind him of his foolish comment.
Charles and Gina find Adrian is living in the break room. His landlord kicked him out. He and Rosa are still not telling each other where they live, so he can't go with her. Charles vaguely offers to help if he can and Adrian takes that as an invitation to move in with him.
Holt is hosting a bomb-defusing class. Rosa and Amy take a bet on who will do better and the competition becomes heated.
Terry is still angry about the kitten prank, and admits to Jake he hates being bullied. His dad was a bully. Jake suggests he go over to his old precinct at the six-five and stand up to his bullies. Terry goes over there, but he returns with more kittens. Jake tries another tactic. He suggests they solve the case Terry never solved.
Things are going badly with Adrian at Charles' place. He's walking all over Charles and being an overall nightmare. Gina tells Charles he has to be an alpha and kick Adrian out, but Charles prefers to be a beta, so alphas feel sorry for him and leave him alone.
Terry and Jake steal the old case file from the B & E's Terry never solved, and plan to re-interview everyone that he spoke to originally. Since the case was 20 years ago, no one can remember anything. Terry suggests they just give up, but Jake wants to crawl out on the ledge ten stories up and figure out how the perp got in. Jake goes on the ledge and promptly freaks out. On the way out of the building Terry recognizes the name of the elevator inspector listed on the elevator as the same one who inspected the elevators 20 years ago. They have a lead.
They go to investigate. It seems a strong lead. The man has money beyond his means, as well, but when they're about to close in, the bullies from the six-five appear and taunt them. Terry is sure he is right, and breaks in on their suspect, but they find him in the bathroom eating beef stew to hide the fact from his wife (as he has high cholesterol). The six-five are in hysterics. Terry has screwed up again.
Charles gets up his courage to tell Adrian he has to leave, but Adrian scares him and Charles instead tells him he can stay there forever.
During the bomb class, Holt chastises Amy and Rosa for being so competitive. However it's a tactic to slow them down. When he wins he rubs it in everyone's faces. Later he finds out he, Amy, and Rosa all failed the class for not taking it seriously. They switch their competition to a driving class. Lesson not learned.
Jake stays up all night trying to solve the case for Terry. He points out that, in the humiliating photo of Terry and the man in the wheelchair, Dimitri (and his cat), Dimitri's shoes are muddy. He can walk! Terry was right the whole time.
Sick of watching Adrian walk all over Charles, Gina steps in and tells him he needs to get out. She's proud of being an alpha but Charles suggests he got her to step in and protect him by being a beta. She doesn't like that idea.
Terry and Jake go to Dimitri's apartment and find him walking. Terry arrests him. However he decides he doesn't need to rub it in the six-five's face. Too late, Jake already released a box of rats there.