'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' Recap: Season 3, Episode 18: 'Cheddar'
by Shannon Keirnan
Charles is having lasik, and Jake is planning to watch him while he's temporarily blind.
However when he finds out Holt's dog sitter is ill and Holt is planning to cancel his trip to Paris to see Kevin, he volunteers himself and Amy (and Charles) to step in and watch the dog for a week.
Things are getting weird and disgusting between Rosa and Adrian Pimento, whose sexual tension is really alarming everyone around them.
Jake with Charles in tow, arrive at Holt's home only to find that already Amy has lost control of the dog. Cheddar is eating all of Kevin's sweaters and the house is trashed.
Charles stands too close to the space heater and sets himself on fire. He runs, and trips on a table, breaking it and everything on it, making the mess even worse.
Holt calls to check in and Jake lies that everything is fine. However it was a test - the alarm company has already alerted Holt that there was a fire. He's heading home from the airport. The mess is bad enough, but in an effort to air things out, Amy accidentally let the dog outside and Cheddar is missing.
Jake calls in his work friends, enlisting them to help them find Cheddar. Gina goes to pick up Holt and stall him, which she does by wrecking Jake's car. Rosa and Adrian are grossing Terry out all over town with their sexual tension, when finally Rosa asks Adrian directly when they're going to do something about it, Adrian panics and literally runs away.
Adrian finds Terry and tells him he's worried about getting into a relationship and doesn't think he deserves happiness after all the things he has done. Terry tells him he does (which seems enough to turn Adrian's mind around, even though Terry had more to add). Adrian proposes to Rosa, which isn't quite what Terry was suggesting. She suggests they just get a drink instead. They make out.
Jake and Amy lose Charles, but he calls them eventually to say he has found Cheddar and they're able to track him down. He's holding a possum he took from the bushes.
Running out of ideas, they all dress in Holt's clothes to walk around town, hoping Cheddar will scent them. Holt comes home and finds them, and is furious. He tells everyone to leave. Jake, Amy, and Charles debate about who has the guilt, and Jake has a moment of clarity - he blames Kevin. He realizes where to find Cheddar.
They go to the spot where Kevin walks Cheddar, and find the dog. Holt admits they all miss Kevin, but Kevin are having issues and he's afraid that if he goes to Paris and they fight, the two might break up. Jake and Amy encourage him to go regardless and try to work things out.