Paris Hilton's All-Time Low: 'The World According to Paris' Reportedly Cancelled

Paris Hilton's All-Time Low: 'The World According to Paris' Reportedly Cancelled What happens when a vacuous "it girl" made famous by a sex tape opens her mouth, and suddenly no one cares what she says? No, this isn't a story about Kim Kardashian's precipitous post-multi-million dollar wedding decline (yet, anyways).

It's a story about Paris Hilton, the seemingly talentless one-time-white-hot-celebutante whose stock has taken an Enron-like nose-dive in the past few months. Hilton's Oxygen Channel show "The World Acording to Paris" is reportedly being cancelled, and a recent study found her to be the least liked celebrity in America, beating out Mel Gibson, Charlie Sheen, even Arnold Schwarzenegger.

As we reported back in June, Hilton's reality show premiered on Oxygen to just over 400,000 viewers, which wasn't even enough for it to place in the top 100 shows for the evening of its debut.

Since the abysmal debut, Hilton has lashed out at just about everyone, from the network to an ABC reporter who compared her (unfavorably no less) to Kim Kardashian (imagine - the nerve). In that interview, Hilton completely lost her cool and walked out.

Now, New York Magazine's Vulture is saying "The network isn't officially commenting on its fate, but Vulture can exclusively report what's been obvious to even the most amateur ratings watcher for weeks: Oxygen (celebrating its sleeper hit 'The Glee Project'; more on that later) has no plans for a second season of 'The World According to Paris,' unscripted industry insiders familiar with the situation confirm."

Not exactly a carved-in-stone network edict, but the writing is clearly on the wall for Hilton. Her hour and fifteen minutes in the sun may be done, at least as far as reality TV viewers are concerned.

So what's tipped the scales against Hilton? Is she more vain and self-absorbed than ever? Did she need to release another obligatory sex tape to keep people interested? Or is this simply what happens to celebrities who are famous for being celebrities in the long term?

Speaking of which, what's Kato Kaelin up to these days?