Team Jacob: Watch Two Minutes of Taylor Lautner Action From 'Breaking Dawn'

Yesterday, we shared two clips of the honeymoon scene from "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn." One was a recently released clip from Summit Entertainment, and another was a three-minute clip screened during the Belgian promotional tour for the film. The footage was more than we've seen of the film than anywhere else.

Today we have another clip off YouTube from the Belgian promo tour, and this one is strictly for Team Jacob, with nothing but straight up Taylor Lautner action.

It definitely qualifies as a spoiler, and we're not going to spill the beans with too many details, but the scene starts with Jacob ready to spring into action after a tense conversation with Seth and Leah. The clip definitely reveals some pivotal plot points, so if you haven't read the books or been reading spoilers online, you may want to avoid this.

Otherwise, if you're a Taylor Lautner fan, this just might be something you'd be very interested in.

Watch two minutes of "Breaking Dawn" starring Taylor Lautner as Jacob (while you can):