Notes On the New 'Deathly Hallows 2' Trailer: Will the Movie Be Totally Different From the Book?

The newest trailer for "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2" is out, and it's a doozy. Among all of the epic moments that are familiar from the book (Mrs. Weasly dueling with Bellatrix, the break-in at Gringotts), there are also a few that have been bothering me since the first trailer hit and are only confirmed by this latest one.

Is the movie ending going to be completely different from the book ending?

Before you continue, know that this discussion will only be suitable for those who have already read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and knows how the story ends. For all others, this will include MAJOR SPOILERS!

So, here's what's been bothering me: the final battle between Harry and Voldemort is looking more and more different from the book with each new trailer. It's understandable, considering that the book ending wouldn't translate well into a movie: basically there's a lot of talking, and then Voldemort kills himself with one quick backfiring spell.

What do we see from the trailer instead? Harry and Voldemort are facing off in a duel with their wands once again connecting, a la "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire." They're all alone instead of being in the Great Hall, surrounded by the rest of the Hogwarts combatants.

This new trailer even shows a moment when Harry and Voldemort are on top of Hogwarts, face to face: Harry growls, "Let's finish this the way we started it. Together!" and then grabs Voldy and throws them both into a chasm. It's cinematically much more interesting, but a far cry from how things end in the book.

This begs the question: will the movie's ending be completely different from the book? Will the film even bother to go through all of that complicated wand stuff, or will it find a new way for Harry to defeat Voldy? There's no way he can do it on his own strength, as Voldemort is clearly the superior wizard: maybe, though, more emphasis will be on the power of love and its magical effects. If that part is played up, Harry could have a new power to use and the Elder Wand master stuff could be ditched entirely...after all, it might take too much exposition to explain.

If you have a theory on how the final battle will be different from the book, let us know!

Watch the Trailer for "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2"