Do NOT Leave Before the Credits: Pivotal Post-Credits Moment Reveals Big 'Green Lantern' Twist

(WARNING: THIS IS A SPOILER. What you are about to read will SPOIL a critical plot detail. If you don't want to SPOIL your appetite to see "Green Lantern" this weekend, stop reading. If you do read on and see things you never should’ve seen before Friday, don't be a SPOILED sport.)

Be cool, “Green Lantern” fans. Whatever the reviews may ultimately say, the latest DC Comics mainstay to make its big-screen debut at least does right by the lineage of the comic.

Mark Strong, who portrays original Lantern Corps member and eventual scourge Sinestro, let fly audiences worth their salt should stick around a few extra lousy minutes while the credits roll.

God bless him for suggesting it, but after seeing “Thor” in theaters, it’s apparent that even after three movies boasting key codas after the credits, audiences still haven’t gotten wise.

Those who do will witness the advent of one of DC’s great villains, according to CraveOnline, at the hands of the cosmic yellow “fear” energy, the only thing that can overpower the Lantern Corp’s green “will” energy. The yellow ring is how Sinestro, in the comics, ultimately takes his revenge upon the Guardians and the Green Lantern Corps.

"There was an idea that there would be an introduction of the idea that the yellow ring corrupts [Sinestro]," said Strong. "So actually the thing to do [in thefilm] is introduce everybody to the mythology and the story, and then give them that little taste. Certainly the fan-boys who know about it will be excited, and anybody else, at least they have an opportunity of understanding where it could go from here."

I’ve always liked Sinestro, if for no other reason, then because he brings out just how dim a legion of galactic protectors can be. “Sinestro” . . . . that doesn’t sound just a little too much like “Sinister” for anyone to be giving this guy a ring of power and put him in charge of protecting a galactic sector?

That’s about like naming a British boy “Jeeves,” then lying to him and telling him he could be anything he wants except an indentured servant.

Either way, “Green Lantern” stars Ryan Reynolds as the titular Green Lantern Hal Jordan and Blake Lively and opens Friday in 2D and 3D theaters everywhere. Buy the big tub of popcorn. Sit through the credits.