8 New Clips from 'Green Lantern' (Watch Them Here!)

I have made no bones about the fact that I'm crazy-excited for "Green Lantern." Not a single bone. In spite of the onslaught of comic book movies we've seen over the last ten years, none of them have really displayed the level of imagination in a typical monthly issue. But there aren't a lot of excuses for lack of imagination with a "Green Lantern" story - the hero has a ring that can create anything, and so far it looks like the movie has stepped up to the plate and is ready to show us some truly amazing stuff.

Also, honestly, Ryan Reynolds? Awesome. Always thought he was a tremendous actor who rarely gets work worthy of his talent. Not even joking.

Today, Warner Brothers released eight new clips from the film for our viewing pleasure. I wouldn't worry too much about spoilers - if my screenwriting education has taught me anything, the first six come before the forty-minute mark (I'd actually be surprised if they didn't show up in the first half-hour), the seventh comes just after that, and the last one will be right at the beginning of act three, so let's say...a half-hour before the end of the film? Maybe forty minutes if they have a decent-sized epilogue or just a really crazy finish.

Anyway, I think we know the basic structure of these things by now - introduction to normal guy, normal guy gets powers, learns to use his powers, goes a little overboard, learns some important lessons and almost gives up or is nearly defeated but rallies back just before a massive threat comes rolling in. The pleasure of these movies is hardly the plot, but the acting, direction, and imagination on display.

You can keep a timer rolling when the movie comes out on June 17th and see how I did. For now, check out the clips below.

First, we have Carol Ferris (Blake Lively) berating Hal Jordon (Ryan Reynolds) for coming in late. Lively has been the wild card of an otherwise stellar cast; although I liked her quite a bit in "The Town," she actually has a more difficult role here. The supporting female role in a superhero movie is always tremendously underwritten, and it takes a really strong actress to imbue the character with any sort of life. I'm not loving what I see here, and would have loved to see her be a little bit more playful in the vein of a classic, "His Girl Friday"-style romantic comedy, but hopefully matters will improve throughout the film.

Here's a look at some of the "Top Gun"-style action. When he's not ringin' in up, Hal is a test pilot, so it's cool that we have at least one scene of fighter jets.

Here's the part where Hal gets the ring, which will be familiar from all the trailers.

Hal, having received the instruction to "speak the oath," spends all night trying to figure out what "the oath" might be.

Check this out - no hesitation, no awkward "refusing the call" step in the same old boring "hero's journey." Just a guy going all in, whatever the consequences.

Okay, this scene does give me pause; this might happen a little ways into the second act, but it's also been all over the trailers, so if you've been to the movies recently it's hardly a spoiler.

And here's where that crash-landed alien ended up. Maybe Hal should have dug a deeper hole, I don't know.

Finally, here's the beginning of the final showdown. Looks like some crazy, awesome, over-the-top superhero action. Can't wait.

And that's it for today! "Green Lantern" comes out on June 17th, in 2D and 3D no less.